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Biloxi’s Shrimping History

Biloxi’s Shrimping History

Posted by Biloxi Shrimp Co. on May 17th 2024

Nestled along the Gulf of Mexico, Biloxi boasts a vibrant maritime heritage deeply intertwined with the local aquatic life, particularly shrimp. Shrimping in Biloxi is a livelihood that stretches back centuries, reflecting both the ingenuity and resilience of all those who have come here.

Biloxi’s shrimping roots can be traced to the early 19th century, when French and Vietnamese immigrants brought their fishing expertise to the Gulf Coast. These newcomers introduced traditional shrimping techniques that would become integral to the local economy and culture as they bonded over similar trades and even religions (leading to Biloxi’s diverse Catholic populace) while clustering to form their own shrimping communities.

By the late 1800s, Biloxi had become a shrimping and fishing hub. The town even became widely dubbed as “The Seafood Capital of the World.” The area bustled with fleets of boats scouring the Gulf for their prized catch, bolstered by the advent of the shrimp trawl: a fishing net pulled along the seafloor to better catch shrimp. This revolutionized the industry by allowing fishermen to harvest larger quantities of shrimp efficiently.

Throughout the 20th century, Biloxi's shrimping industry continued to flourish, despite facing challenges such as frequent hurricanes. The iconic Biloxi Schooner, a traditional sailing vessel used for shrimping, became a symbol of the city's maritime heritage and strength to weather any storm. In the latter half of the century and into today, Biloxi experienced a massive surge in tourism thanks to the advent of the casino industry. Now, these industries operate together as people flock from around the world to Biloxi for its distinct flavors and festivities.

Today, Biloxi's shrimping industry remains an economic cornerstone, supporting countless families and businesses along the Gulf Coast. While modern technologies have transformed the way shrimp are harvested and processed, the spirit of tradition and community that defines Biloxi's shrimping heritage endures. Amidst all these changes, the story of shrimping in Biloxi stands as a testament to its shrimpers and all the challenges they’ve surmounted to provide quality shrimp to people all over the world.

Want to taste Biloxi’s scrumptious Gulf shrimp for yourself? Visit our Shop page to order wild-caught Gulf shrimp to be shipped to anywhere in the country today!